Blood pressure measurement

Blood pressure (BP) is usually measured with a device called sphygmomanometer [pronounced as – sfig-mow-muh-naa-meter]. It can be digital or manual. it has a ‘cuff’ that goes around the upper arm and is inflated with air, a pressure meter that measures the air pressure in the cuff, and a stethoscope for listening to the sound of blood flow [this is not required in digital sphygmomanometer].

Blood pressure is measured with 2 numbers. For example, your BP might be “140 over 90”:
When your heart contracts, the pressure generated inside your arteries is denoted by the first (top) number, which is called as systolic pressure.
And when your heart relaxes, the pressure generated inside your arteries is denoted by the second (bottom) number, which is called as diastolic pressure.

High blood pressure usually does not cause symptoms, but it puts your health at risk for heart attack, stroke, eye problem, and kidney disease.
sometimes, your blood pressure may fall below normal range, referred as ‘hypotension’. If it falls too low, your may experience symptoms like weakness, dizziness, or lightheadedness

there are several reasons why you should get your blood pressure checked, most common being two

  • to check if you have high blood pressure,
  • To check if the medicine you are taking to control your blood pressure, is adequate or not.

There are several things that you should pay attention to before you check your blood pressure. they are listed below.

  1. If you are taking any medicines, then you must tell your attending doctor or nurse about it, as certain medicines can affect your blood pressure.
  2. You should rest for at least 10 minutes before measuring your blood pressure.
  3. You should not consume any drink that contains caffeine at least 30 minute before measuring blood pressure.
  4. Similarly, if you are a smoker, avoid smoking for at least 30 minutes before the measurement, and do tell your doctor that you smoke.
  5. Don’t measure your blood pressure with full bladder, so don’t forget to go to toilet some time before checking your BP.
  6. Wear a short sleeve sloth, or clothes made of thin fabric.
  7. Try to stay still and quiet as much possible while your blood pressure is being measured.

occasionally, your doctor might ask you to monitor your blood pressure over a short period of time, like for a week.

After reviewing your blood pressure measurement, your doctor will talk to you about what it means. Depending upon your blood pressure level being too high or too low, your doctor will explain what might be the cause, and what can be done to bring it back to normal range. In some case, your doctor will advice for more tests and follow ups to determine the cause of problem and also to monitor the improvement of your condition.

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